Catholic Seahawks Thanksgiving
Join us for a socially-distanced thanksgiving feast at St. Cecilia’s rectory!
All SMCM students are welcome.
Add our Google Calendar to yours by clicking the blue “+” button on the bottom right of the calendar! Check out all our events below, and make sure to register for Catholic Seahawks to never miss an event!
Join us for a socially-distanced thanksgiving feast at St. Cecilia’s rectory!
All SMCM students are welcome.
Join us for our monthly “Formation Night”, where we host a guest speaker to speak on a Theological topic of his or her choice.
Students can attend socially distanced at St. Cecilia’s rectory, or choose to attend virtually via Zoom.
John 21:12: "Jesus said to them, come have breakfast."
Join us bright and early for Daily Mass at St. Cecilia's at 7:30am, followed by a breakfast social after mass (socially distanced.)
Get ready for fellowship, cinnamon rolls pancakes, bacon, eggs, OJ, fruit, deserts, coffee and more! Rides to the Church at 7:20am in K Parking Lot (next to Margret Brent Hall).
We’ll be done before your 10am class!
Join us on the lawn of St. Cecilia's Catholic Church as we watch the new movie "Fatima" on our giant outdoor screen! Since we are watching outside, this event is weather permitting.
Snacks and drinks will be provided! All SMCM students are welcome-- so bring a friend!
BYOB-- Bring Your Own Blanket!
Women's Bible Study
Please join us every Thursday for our Women's Bible Study, where we will explore the feminine genius as it is revealed in the greatest story ever told!
-- Mary Claire Basso-Luca '23
As Catholic Christians, what should we consider and value when voting? How does the Church approach politics and voting? Are we morally obligated to vote?
This Wednesday at 8pm, us at St. Cecilia's rectory for a non-partisan discussion on Catholic voting principles! The talk will be in- person (following CDC guidelines), but students have the option to tune in virtually via Zoom. This month's guest speakers will be Ken Scheiber and Mary Rose Depperschmidt, Theology teachers at St. Mary's Ryken High School. All SMCM students are welcome!
This semester’s theme is “the Case for Christ.”
Our topic will be “Vulnerability: A Place of Divine Encounter.” All are welcome!
Zoom Info:
Join our Chaplain, Fr. Scott Woods, for a live-streamed dialogue on the sin of racism. The event is sponsored by Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington, and can be accessed here:
Join us on Zoom for our first Formation Night of the year!
This month’s speaker will be Deacon Nicholas Morrison.
The talk will start at 8pm, with time for questions after.
All are welcome to attend Sunday Mass at St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church (just a three minute drive from campus.) This mass will be said in compliance with all CDC and Archdiocese of Washington guidelines.
All are welcome! Bring a friend!
Remember to wear a mask, and practice social distancing.
Confessions will begin at 7pm, and will be available after mass too.
NEW: we will also have Eucharistic Adoration from 7-7:30pm!!
For those who want a ride AND want to go to confession or adoration before mass, I will gladly pick you up from Parking lot K at 6:50pm.
Additionally, rides will be offered at 7:15pm from Parking lot K (next to Margret Brent) for those who need it!
For those who will be on campus — particularly incoming students — we will begin our year with Mass in St. Cecilia’s Church! Mass is at 9pm, Sunday, August 16th.
Ssshh… Don’t tell Fr. Scott.
Directly following the 7:30pm mass, join us for a surprise party in the hallway outside Cole Cinema celebrating Fr. Scott’s birthday! It is ACTUALLY Father’s birthday on May 10th, so we will get to celebrate with him on the actual day! Come for snacks, drinks and fun. And, come for a (hopefully) surprised Fr. Scott!
Join us after the 7:30pm Sunday Mass in Cole Cinema as we honor our graduating seniors! Come out for snacks, drinks, social time, and brief send-off ceremony to honor all our seniors!
Join us on Saturday, May 2nd for our Spring Semester pilgrimage, where we will visit the Carmel of Port Tobacco-- the site of the first Carmelite monastery in the United States! We will get a chance to have a Q&A with the 15+ carmelite sisters in residence, and hear how they discerned to leave the comforts of this world out of love for Jesus. Many of the sisters are quite young and quite extroverted, which is hilarious!
After the witness talk, we’ll have some time to shop in the Sister’s gift shop, where they sell sculptures, medals, books, icon cards, notebooks, crafts and more!
We will meet at 6:45am to drive to the monastery. This pilgrimage is free and provides free transportation, but you should bring money for the gift shop (optional) and for breakfast (we’ll meet at Chick-Fil-A in La Plata after the Carmel gift shop). We’ll be back on Campus by 12:30pm!
You can visit their (adorably outdated) website at:
Join the Catholic Seahawks as we attend St. Peter Claver’s incredible “Gospel Mass,” filled with passionate music by a professional jazz band, and passionate preaching by Father Scott Woods. It is the beautiful Sacrifice of the Mass that our Catholic faith has given us, combined with the gospel flare that African-American Catholicism have given us.
The mass typically runs about an hour and a half to two hours— but you would never even realize it! Afterwards, join us for an informal lunch in the Great Room.
While we will still have the college mass at the normal time (7:30pm in Cole Cinema), I encourage all the students to give this mass a try. It counts for your Sunday Mass obligation, as well!
Rides will be offered from K Parking lot at 9:45am.
In lieu of Bible Study, Join us for our monthly “Formation Night”, where we will hear from a guest speaker on a Theological topic of his or her expertise. Snacks and drinks provided! The talk is 45 minutes, with time for questions afterwards.
Come experience God's Mercy at this month's Mass with Healing Prayers! Confessions will start at 5PM at Immaculate Heart of Mary in Lexington Park. This will be followed by Mass at 5:30PM and Adoration and Healing Prayers after. During Adoration, all have the opportunity to be individually prayed over by Fr. Scott and several other priests.
Then, join us for an ice cream social afterwards!
The Easter Vigil mass is a beautiful tradition of the Church, where we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. The Roman Missle calls this mass “the greatest and most noble of all solemnities.” It is also the traditional night where all those seeking to join the Church formally enter.
Therefore, come and support several of our Catholic Seahawks members, who will receive Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation!
This mass is a Sunday Vigil, so it fulfills your obligation for mass on Easter Sunday.
Rides will be available from K Parking lot, time TBD.
Join us at 11am in St. Cecilia’s Rectory for a House Warming brunch, celebration of our BRAND new Campus Ministry office and lounge. We’ll have brunch food, as well as limited edition Catholic Seahawks collectibles for anyone who attends. :)
The new Campus Ministry center is located in the basement of St. Cecilia’s rectory. To access the area directly, take the stairs on the left side of the rectory building. Rides will be offered at 10:45am at K Parking lot.
Join us off-campus for a feast of ‘Pho”, (Vietnamese soup with rice noodles, broth beef and herbs.) This event is about 20 minutes north of campus, hosted by the Olon family (and their 10 children… you might recognize them if you’ve ever been to daily mass at St. Cecilia’s!) Join us for great food , fellowship, and a great family atmosphere!
Rides will be available from K Parking lot at 5:30pm.
Because of Spring Recess, we will NOT have our normal 7:30pm college mass on Campus.
If you’re in town and need a mass time, check out the local mass times near campus:
Because of Spring Recess, we will NOT have our normal 7:30pm college mass on Campus.
If you’re in town and need a mass time, check out the local mass times near campus:
In lieu of Bible Study, join us at 8:15pm at Schaefer 151 for our monthly “Formation Night” on Spiritual Warfare. We will discuss the Catholic Teachings on angels, demons, ghosts, exorcisms, deliverance, and more.
This month’s speaker will be Fr. Ray Schmidt, the pastor at St. John’s in Hollywood. Fr. Ray has been a pastor for over 20 years, and is active in deliverance ministry.
The talk will start at 8:15pm, with time for questions after. Refreshments provided!
Join us for part three of a three part series, where we will examine Karol Wojtyla's (AKA Pope Saint John Paul II) "Theology of the Body." Even if you’ve missed the first two discussions, you can still come to this one!
We will continue to examine the Church's teachings on "bodily dimension of human personhood"-- including friendship, attraction, relationships, emotions, sexuality, marriage, and chastity.
It is sure to be a GREAT discussion! Light refreshments provided. Then, after the discussion, join us for dinner in the Great Room at 6pm!
Join us for part two of a three part series, where we will examine Karol Wojtyla's (AKA Pope Saint John Paul II) "Theology of the Body."
We will continue to examine the Church's teachings on "bodily dimension of human personhood"-- including friendship, attraction, relationships, emotions, sexuality, marriage, and chastity.
It is sure to be a GREAT discussion! Light refreshments provided. Then, after the discussion, join us for dinner in the Great Room at 6pm!
Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent with a eschatological reminder: “Remember that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return.”
Every Ash Wednesday, Catholic Seahawks has a tradition to unite with Trinity Episcopal Church for an interfaith service, where all are welcome to receive ashes.
Join us at Trinity Episcopal Church for an Ecumenical Service at 12:30pm. Fr. Scott will be in attendance.
Mardi Gras (French for “Fat Tuesday”) has a rich history of Catholic roots,— pagan traditions and excessive drinking aside. Originally, Catholics celebrated it as the last day before the intense fasting of Lent. Join us at St. Cecilia’s rectory as we look to — in the most Christian and moderate way we can— tap into that custom!
Prepare for an epic feast, complete with games and the famous King Cake.
How do you experience the Father’s love? Does your relationship with your earthly father influence the way you trust God the Father? Escape to Edgewater, Maryland with 150+ others to dive into these questions and learn the way of trust and love as the sons and daughters we were made to be. Discover the “Love of the Father” on Spring Retreat 2020!
The Sign up link is now LIVE. Sign up today here:
Our annual retreat will be filled with time for prayer, recreation, and fellowship. For the retreat, we will be joining forces with the local Catholic student groups of American University and the University of Maryland. There will be small groups, adoration, amazing talks, bonfires, and more! Transportation will be provided to and from SMCM.
The retreat master will be Fr. Carter Griffin, Rector of Saint John Paul II Seminary in Washingon D.C.
The retreat is only $50 , but scholarships are available. Feel free to talk to William ( if you might have trouble paying, and we can help you out.
Join us for part one of a three part series, where we will examine Karol Wojtyla's (AKA Pope Saint John Paul II) "Theology of the Body."
We will begin to break open the Church's teachings on "bodily dimension of human personhood"-- including friendship, attraction, relationships, emotions, sexuality, marriage, and chastity.
It is sure to be a GREAT discussion! Light refreshments provided. Then, after the discussion, join us for dinner in the Great Room at 6pm!