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November Formation Night: "iPray: Finding God in a World of Technology"

In lieu of Bible Study, Join us in the St. Cecilia Rectory for our monthly “Formation Night”, where we will hear from a guest speaker on a Theological topic of his or her expertise. Snacks and drinks provided! The talk is 45 minutes, with time for questions afterwards.

This month’s speaker will be Deacon James Morrison, who is a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Washington. God willing, Deacon James will be ordained a priest in June 2020. Deacon James will be speaking on technology, and how we are called to use it in our lives.

Before we head over to St. Cecilia, join us for an optional dinner in the Great Room at 6:30pm. Rides will also be offered from K Parking lot at 7:50pm. See you there!

Later Event: November 17
Sunday Mass Social