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 CATHOLIC SEAHAWKS On-campus SEMESTER: spring 2021

If you are commuting, or will be only occasionally on campus, here are your programming options:

On Campus:

Adoration on Campus: Fridays from 3-4pm in Aldom lounge (starting Jan. 20th)
Sunday Mass on Campus: Sundays at 7:30pm in Cole Cinema (starting Jan. 24th)
Large-Group Bible Study: Wednesday’s at 5pm (in Anne Arundel N109)

*All of our events will adhere to the CDC, St. Mary’s County, and St. Mary’s College of Maryland guidelines.*

Additionally, you are invited to participate in our online events:

Online (zoom):

Bible Study: Wednesday’s at 5pm
Women’s Bible Study: Thursdays at 5pm
Men’s Bible Study: Every other Thursday at 5:30pm
Formation Night (our monthly guest speaker): 2nd Wednesday of each month at 8pm
Apologetics Night: 3rd Fridays of each month at 4pm

To receive reminders and Zoom links, register for Catholic Seahawks here: