

Friendship is essential to the Christian life. To grow in friendship as a club —while also making new friends— we provide ample opportunities to grow in fellowship! Our events include bonfires, brunches, parties, movie nights, dinners, and more. Every Wednesday, we gather for dinner in the Great Room after Bible Study (starting around 6pm.) Most Sunday evenings, we have an informal gathering with snacks after Sunday Mass on Campus. Throughout the year, we throw numerous events including our Welcome Party, Thanksgiving with Catholic Seahawks, All-Saints Day Party, our Advent Party, a White Elephant Gift Exchange, Pho Night, a Fat Tuesday Pancake party, and much more! For our latest scheduled events, check out:

Friendship is no fleeting or temporary relationship, but one that is stable, firm and faithful, and one that matures with the passage of time. A relationship of affection that brings us together and a generous love that seeks the good of our friend. Friends may be quite different from one another, but they always have things in common that draw them closer in mutual trust and love
— Pope Francis